KOR Guide πŸ‘‰ 보석 λ§ˆμΌ“

This tab displays the list of Gems currently listed in the Market.

22-Market – Gem.png

1️⃣ Sort button

Clicking the Sort button opens a dropdown menu that allows you to change the sorting order of the list. (You can sort prices and levels from highest to lowest and vice-versa.)

2️⃣ Filter button

Clicking the Filter button will open a sidebar menu where you can choose the color and level of the Gems you want to see.

β‘  Listed by me only You can see the Gems you have listed for sale by clicking 'Listed by me only'.
β‘‘ Color Allows you to filter according to Gem colors.
β‘’ Level Allows you to filter according to Gem levels.

3️⃣ Gems detailed popup

Displays the Gem's image, stats, and price.

β‘  Buy If a Gem is being sold by someone else, a 'Buy' button will be displayed. Clicking 'Buy' proceeds with the purchase.
β‘‘ Cancel Listing If a Gem is listed by yourself, a 'Cancel Listing' button will be displayed, and you can cancel listing the sale by clicking on it.

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