KOR Guide 👉 아이템 인벤토리

The Item Inventory tab displays the list of the Items you have in your Inventory.

17-아이템 인벤토리.png

1️⃣ Sort button

Clicking the Sort button opens a dropdown menu that allows you to change the sorting order of the list.

2️⃣ Filter button

Clicking the Filter button will open a sidebar menu where you can choose the type of Items you wish to display in your Inventory.

3️⃣ Items List

The list displays the quantity of Items currently in possession, level, image, and details. You can check more details by clicking on it.

4️⃣ Item detailed pop-up

You can check the level, quantity, and features of the Item.

5️⃣ Selling an Item

Clicking the "Sell" button opens a pop-up page that will let you set the price for the current Item.

6️⃣ Listing a Item for Sale

Once you have set the price, you can check the listing fee and other fees that will incur to proceed with the sale. Selling includes a market fee. Listing/canceling the sale registration is free.

<aside> 📌 For more information about Items in the guide, check Item Information category.
