🕹️ Adding PER and XPER Tokens to MetaMask Wallet

1. Import tokens to MetaMask wallet.

📌 Open the MetaMask wallet installed in your Chrome browser


1️⃣ Open MetaMask wallet

2️⃣ Click the '+ Import Tokens' button at the bottom.

3️⃣ Select the Custom Token tab, then paste the PER token contract address into the Token Contract Address field.

4️⃣ The Token Symbol field should auto-fill with 'PER'. Click the Next button.

5️⃣ Review the PER token details, then click the 'Import' button.


<aside> ⚠️ 필수사항

$PER Contract Address: 0x3f7f123BaB1fD545aa201194f628E933413fFFD7 $XPER Contract Addreess: 0xd420583dd2f1e53c41c3433be72b30202f5e51a3

※ PER 토큰 가져오기로 설명하였으며, XPER도 동일한 방법으로 진행하시면 됩니다.
